TFs 2012
Transfer Projects Approved in 2012:
Title: EvolutionX – Analysing Evolution of Adaptation to a Novel Siderophore Antibiotic in Gram-negative Bacteria by Next Generation Sequencing
Applicant: Dr. Marc Creus (UniBas)
Industry Partner: Dr. Malcolm Page, Basilea Pharmaceutica International Ltd.
Scientific Fields/Keywords:
- Genomics
- Transcriptomics
- Laboratory evolution
- Next Generation Sequencing
- Antibitiotics
- Antibiotic resistance
Title: In vivo endoscopic fluorescence imaging in the dopamine system of the healthy and diseased brain
Applicant: Prof. Fritjof Helmchen (UZH)
Industry Partner: Dr. Johannes Mosbacher, Roche
Scientific Fields/Keywords:
- Fluorescence imaging
- 2-photon microscopy
- Calcium indicator
- Neocortex
- Striatum
- Dopamine
Title: Statistical Reverse Engineering of the Signaling Network involved in Cachexia
Applicants: Prof. Heinz W. Koeppl (ETHZ), Prof. Ruedi Aebersold (ETHZ)
Industry Partner: Dr. Carsten Jacobi, Novartis
Scientific Fields/Keywords:
- Systems biology
- Reverse engineering
Title: Multi-modal assessment of mutated predictors BRAF and DDR2 at lung carcinoma invasion fronts by topographic DNA extraction and micro-immunohistochemistry using the microfluidic probe
Applicant: Prof. Alex Soltermann (USZ)
Industry Partner: Dr. Govind Kaigala, IBM
Scientific Fields/Keywords:
- Lung cancer
- Immunohistochemistry
- Microfluidic probe
- Oncogenic mutation
- Predictive biomarker