IPhD Projects 2009

Interdisciplinary Post-Doctoral Studies Approved in 2009:

  1. A System's Level Analysis of the Spatio-temporal Regulation of Signaling During Polarized Cell Migration
    PhD Student: Georgios Fengos (ETHZ)

    Mentors: Prof. Dagmar Iber (ETHZ); Prof. Olivier Pertz (UniBS)

  2. An Integrative Approach to Study Adipocyte Extracellular Signaling Events 
    Linked to the Development of Metabolic Disorders
    PhD Student: Hansjörg Möst (ETHZ)
    Mentors: Prof. Christian Wolfrum (ETHZ); Dr. Bernd Wollscheid (ETHZ)

  3. Developing and Testing a Mathematical Model for Cell Specification in the Embryo Sac of Arabidopsis thaliana
    PhD Student: Dmytro Lituiev (UZH)
    Mentors: Prof. Ueli Grossniklaus (UZH); Prof. Barbara Hellriegel (UZH)

  4. Genetic and Epigenetic Diversity of Tumors: A Combined Deep Sequencing 
    and Mathematical Modeling Approach to the Somatic Evolution of Cancer
    PhD Student: Moritz Gerstung (ETHZ) 
    Mentors: Prof. Niko Beerenwinkel (ETHZ); Dr. Christian Beisel (ETHZ); Prof. Holger Moch (UZH)

  5. Genome-wide Prediction of Coactivator-controlled Transcriptional Networks 
    Using Data from Ultrahigh-throughput Sequencing Technologies
    PhD Student: Silvia Salatino (UniBS)
    Mentors: Prof. Christoph Handschin (UniBS); Prof. Eric van Nimwegen (UniBS)

  6. Genomic Analysis of Information Transfer Along the DNA by Transcriptional 
    PhD Student: Li Sun (UniBS)  
    Mentors: Prof. Attila Becskei (UniBS); Prof. Erwin Bolthausen (UZH)

  7. Genomic and Physical Constraints that Regulate Cellular Shape
    PhD Student: Veronika Graml (ETHZ)
    Mentors: Dr. Rafael Carazo Salas (ETHZ); Prof. Gabor Székely (ETHZ); Prof. Daniel Gerlich

  8. Microelectronics and Genetics to Study Retinal Neuronal Circuit Dynamics
    PhD Student: Michele Fiscella (ETHZ)
    Mentors: Prof. Andreas Hierlemann (ETHZ); Prof. Botond Rosta (FMI)

  9. Predicting Functional Redundancy in Protein Networks
    PhD Student: Fabian Schmich (ETHZ)
    Mentors: Prof. Niko Beerenwinkel (ETHZ); Dr. Gunter Mendes (ETHZ)

  10. Proteomic Analyses of Post-translational Modifications
    PhD Student: Andrea Brunner (UZH)
    Mentors: Prof. Isabelle Mansuy (ETHZ); Prof. Ivo Sbalzarini (ETHZ)

  11. Quantitative Analysis and Mathematical Modeling of Polarity Establishment 
    in C.elegans Embryos
    PhD Student: Simon Blanchoud (EPFL)
    Mentors: Prof. Pierre Gönczy (EPFL); Prof. Felix Naef (EPFL)

  12. Time-resolved Luminescence Imaging of Cells and Tissue in a Lab-on-a-Chip Using Lanthanide-doped Nanoparticle Labels for Breast Cancer Detection
    PhD Student: Ata Tuna Ciftlik (EPFL)
    Mentors: Prof. Martin Gijs (EPFL); Prof. Hans-Anton Lehr (UniL)



Dr. Eavan Dorcey
Scientific Coordinator
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CH - 8092 Zurich 
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