PhD Student Retreat 2009

First PhD Student Retreat
Date: September 11-12, 2009
Location: Weggis, Switzerland
Number of participants: 25

In the first PhD Student Retreat (2009) students had a unique opportunity to meet and interact with other Systems Biology students in Switzerland. invited three excellent academic speakers from various Systems Biology fields to participate in this event. David Fell, Greg Stephanopoulos, and Erik van Nimwegen gave lectures on their fields of expertise. In addition students presented some of their data and submitted either an abstract for a talk and/or prepared a poster. The lectures, poster sessions, and the excursion gave them plenty of time to interact with the speakers and their peers. At the end of the first day, there was a hiking excursion to the Riggi mountain, followed by dinner.


Dr. Eavan Dorcey
Scientific Coordinator
Clausiusstr. 45, CLP D 7
CH - 8092 Zurich 
phone +41 44 632 74 23
fax +41 44 632 15 64

Retreat 2009 featured in X-Letter
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Past PhD Student Retreats
201720162015 / 2013 / 2012 
2011 / 2010 / 2009