

11th call for proposals

The 11th call for proposals invites applications for:

  1. Transition Postdoc Fellowships (TPdF): In this project type, ambitious young researchers formulate their own interdisciplinary project application. The candidate should switch from his or her original discipline to a new, complementary field. The postdocs must look for a host research group where they can carry out their own project while making the transition and familiarizing themselves with the new discipline.

  2. Interdisciplinary PhD Projects (IPhD): The focus of this type of project is the interdisciplinary collaboration between different disciplines relevant to systems biology, such as biology, computer science, medicine, mathematics, engineering, physics or chemistry. Applicants for these interdisciplinary doctorates should not be the potential students themselves, but the corresponding group leaders. Together with a co-applicant from a different field, the applicant will supervise the doctoral student. Both co-applicants must work at partner institutions.

The submission deadline for 11th call proposals is April 30, 2015.

11th call for proposals: PDF Download



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