

First Postdoc Workshop a success

“I would strongly recommend this workshop to all postdocs, whatever their plans for their career are. These skills are universal and can help us be better scientists, function well as part of a team and become good leaders”, says Julien Limenitakis, University of Berne, after attending the first Postdoc Workshop. He was one of 16 participants of the two-day course, which took place in February 2015 in Gerzensee, Berner Oberland.  more»


Physics & Biology: How Chameleons change their colours

Combining Physics and Biology techniques, we show that chameleons shift colour through active tuning of a lattice of guanine nanocrystals within a superficial thick layer of dermal iridophores. In addition, we show that a deeper population of iridophores with larger crystals protect them from excessive exposure to solar radiations by reflecting a large proportion of the sunlight power, especially in the near-infrared range.

This research was supported by RTD Project EpiPhysX.

Read the researchers summary»


Personalising medicine with proteins

Ruedi Aebersold, Professor of Systems Biology, is one of the world’s leading researchers in proteomics. In the last few years, he has developed the proteomics method together with a team of international researchers to such an extent that doctors and clinical researchers can now use this technique as a tool. In an interview with ETH News, the professor at ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich explains how information from proteins can advance what is commonly known as personalised medicine.
This research was supported by RTD Project PhosphoNet PPM.
Read the article published by ETH News »


12th Call for Proposals, the Swiss Initiative in Systems Biology, is issuing its 12th call for proposals. The focus of this call is on Special Opportunities Projects. To read the call, please click here.
The submission deadline for the proposals of this 12th call is May 17, 2015. détails »


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